These are extraordinary times in Jefferson City in terms of the discussions and pending decisions impacting higher education in Missouri. The Missouri Community College Association (MCCA) has provided a strong and reasoned voice in providing critical input regarding legislative decisions that directly impact higher education in Missouri.
The presidents and chancellors of Missouri’s community colleges have united as one voice through MCCA aggressively promoting our sector of higher education. MCCA has hired Zora Mulligan as its new Executive Director. Zora is a well-known and well-respected former senior policy advisor to the Commissioner of Higher Education. MCCA has never played a more important role in promoting our interests and defining our future. So what has this got to do with you?
As a professional association, memberships are the life blood of MCCA and membership numbers have declined. I have heard some MCC employees have dropped because there is a perception that they are not supported in going to the annual conference or serving on MCCA committees. I will work with the Officer Group and shared governance leaders to maximize such opportunities to the extent our budget will allow.
MCCA membership is a personal choice and the cost is $30 per year. My intent is to inform -- not twist arms. Please visit MCCA’s website at http://www.mccatoday.com/, or contact your membership representative as follows: AC/BP/FS – Darlene Burkhart; BTC – Sherry Skinner; BR – Kathleen Henrikson; LV – Margaret Berter; MW – Kim Sides-Steiger; and PV/PI/HSI – Brian Chasteen.
Best regards,
Your membership helps to secure your benefits and retirement. You can NOT afford to NOT belong! We need everyone to participate to make a difference and support community college efforts. CC receives 14% of appropriated funds where the 4 year gets 85% and Linn State Tech receives 1%. CC have 41% of the students!!! Think about where we are and where we are going without your support CC are at risk without MCCA!! Please Join!