MCC-Blue River understands the anxiety, stress and confusion many non-traditional students experience when re-entering the classroom. Fortunately, Blue River’s Barbara Schaefer also understands and has created a “lifeline” to help.
The Re-Entry Coffeehouse is where personal development and student support strategically intersect. Students can expect much more than just a cup of coffee from these Blue River gatherings. They’ll also acquire practical resources to enrich their lives personally, academically and professionally.
Some past topics have been:
During the October coffeehouse, Dr. Joan Berstrom (from MCC-Longview) facilitated an intriguing introduction to StrengthsQuest, a tool that helps students leverage personal talents for academic success.
Students that have been outside the classroom more than five years will benefit greatly from the upcoming meetings. However, any MCC-Blue River student may attend whether or not they are re-entering college! Family members and friends may attend with them.
If you would like to attend, mark your calendar for November 9. Join the group in room 100 inside the Education Center from 6:00 -7:00 p.m.
Betsy Johnson with the Brain Injury Association of Kansas and Greater Kansas City will provide fascinating insights into how the memory functions and simple ways to increase it’s capacity.
For more information about the Re-Entry Coffeehouse, contact Barbara Schaefer at 816.604.6568. You may also email Barbara here.
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