Monday, August 1, 2011

Employees: Important Health Screening Information

MCC offers biometric screenings to employees as part of the MCC-Living Well program. Some participants have voiced concern that MCC will have access to the results of the test or that the results will lead to negative consequences, ( results can identify specific risk factors or even detect possible chronic conditions). Some have expressed concern that MCC may use the test results against them by raising their insurance rates or discriminating against them in job assignments. This is not the case. All screening information is kept confidential and MCC will not have access to test results. Nor will those results have a negative impact on premiums.

In the coming weeks, employees will receive a series of short emails from Jenny Edwards addressing some commonly asked questions about MCC’s biometric screening event, the health risk survey and factors that impact the cost of our health coverage.

What is a Biometric Screening?

A biometric screening is a short health examination that measures height and weight, overall body mass, waist size, blood pressure, blood glucose (sugar) and what is known as a lipid profile (a test for fat or cholesterol in the blood). PSA tests (for prostate cancer) and TSH (for thyroid disorders) will also be available upon request.

Watch your employee email box for other MCC health plan topics!

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