A lucky Penn Valley student (left) is all smiles as she carts off her winning bag from Commerce Bank. |
Students, staff and faculty sharpened their money skills during financial literacy week at MCC-Penn Valley. Nearly 140 students attended five financial literacy events throughout the week. In fact, roughly 75 students attended the Banking and Savings Fair on April 19.
Financial institutions from the area shared money savvy tips with Penn Valley students. |
Nearly 40 prizes were awarded to students who attended the events. Employees were also invited to participate by answering questions about financial articles sent to them via email throughout the week. For answering the questions correctly, Project Success Academic Advisor Gieselle Deng won a $50 U.S. Savings Bond.
Gieselle Deng showed off her financial know how and scored the winning prize, $50 savings bond. |
Here's to a financially savvy Penn Valley!
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