Back row: Debra Taylor, MW; John Lyon, BR; Bill Mauzey, LV; Elizabeth Norwat, LV; David German, BTC; Justin Dunham, PV; Teresina Bradley, MW; Ron Akins, LV; Claudette Akins, BR.
MCC professional development offered five workshops for adjunct faculty this academic year. The workshops were held on Saturday mornings and were facilitated by MCC faculty and administrators. The average attendance at the workshops was 40, which attests to the commitment to excellence by our adjunct instructors.
Workshop topics included: The Learning Process, Engaging Students in the 21st Century; Cool Cats in the Classroom: Avoiding a Classroom Catastrophe; Teaching in an Anxious
World and the Master Faculty Workshop.
Seventeen adjunct faculty members were honored with a celebration breakfast on Saturday,
April 10 for having completed the entire workshop series. Congratulations!
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