About 40 people attended the seminar “3-D Design- Bring Your Ideas to Life” at MCC-Business & Technology on June 10. The half-day seminar was cosponsored by Computer Aided Technology Inc. (CATI). Hassan Zarabi, BTC engineering technology instructor, and John Nichols of CATI demonstrated SolidWorks software capabilities and 3-D prototyping equipment. Rapid prototyping allows companies to create models from 3-D drawings in a matter of minutes on prototype printers. "Concept to product" is the buzzword. BTC has developed a new lab to teach this technology (pictured above).
Debbie Goodall, BTC president, and Steve Dowell, MCC-Business & Learning Solutions performance consultant, introduced the concept of developing a manufacturing consortium with area companies interested in working with MCC in the manufacturing technology and engineering technology labs. Children’s Mercy Hospital was among the organizations that responded. Representatives said their biotechnology researchers would like to use BTC’s prototyping capabilities in cardiac research.
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