Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You can't rain on my parade...

True Colors event

Student James Eldridge was not going to let a little rain stop him from filling out his survey and self-assessment at the MCC-Longview True Colors event hosted by the counselling department and campus life and leadership.

The goal of the event was to get students to understand the importance of career planning and to begin thinking about career paths that match their interests.

Students who participated took the True Colors career planning inventory survey. Once they completed the survey a counselor interpreted their results. Students were then encouraged to follow-up with a counselor at a later date by meeting one-on-one with a counselor, signing up for a career workshop, or enrolling in the 1 credit GUID 109 career planning class.

Of course, once the survey work was done, students were invited to make their own tie-dye t-shirt as they could now literally show off their true colors.

True Colors event

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous idea, my Longview friends! We might have to CASE method this one.

    (CASE = Copy And Steal Everything)
